Caden Butler
@chaparralpumafb c/o ‘25 || 6’1 || 180 lbs || 3 ⭐️ wr || 4.3 gpa || 913-215-0140 || ID # 2301765625 Emp1re7v7
ID: 1432184561648209921
https://www.hudl.com/profile/16838014 30-08-2021 03:33:24
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2,2K Following

Had an amazing time at Mizzou Football this past weekend. Thank you Coach Jacob Peeler Kirby Moore Eliah Drinkwitz Coach Key @ajackzz11 Maurey Bland Jr. Victoria Adams Santana McKnight

Thank you for the invite. Billy Tucker Craig Haubert and Demetric D. Warren Tom Luginbill 🇺🇸 🏈

#AG2G Blessed to receive an offer to Air Force. Mike Thiessen Taylor Stubblefield #FUNKHOUSE🐇🏈 Stephen Barbee 🤘🏼🐇🏈 Rene Medina elite_Threatz @Emp1re7v7 OJ Simpson Jermaine Saffold Margin Hooks Coach Poe *Trenches Reloaded * D’Vonte McKneely Drew Malone SAMIE PARKER

Caden Butler #PumaPRIDE

Great to be under those lights again against, Rancho Verde, Murrieta Mesa, And Lincoln last Friday. One step closer to week 1. #AGTG Greg Biggins Coach Ramer Caden Butler Adam Clark Lucas Govan Tarek Fattal Paul Gregorian Chaparral Puma Football Adam Gorney

#AG2G Blessed to receive an offer from USU Football Thank you Nate Dreiling Kyle Cefalo Jake Spence Chaparral Puma Football Coach Ramer D’Vonte McKneely SAMIE PARKER Emp1re7v7 OJ Simpson Jermaine Saffold Margin Hooks Coach Poe *Trenches Reloaded * Drew Malone

Chaparral Puma Football WRs had themselves a day Caden Butler 6 for 143 and 2 TD Eli Woodard 6 for 115 and 2 TD Michael Farinas jr “kiko” 134 All purpose Yards 70 rec 1 TD

Sky’s The Limit Top Performers Week 1 🏈 Jordan Smith TheRealDaylonSingleton🐇💨✌🏾 Braden Blueitt Kaydon Finley Trishstin Glass London Smith Jaylen Pile #CoachHooksTrained

Clips from first two games hudl.com/v/2Q0iqh Chaparral Puma Football Coach Ramer D’Vonte McKneely SAMIE PARKER Emp1re7v7 OJ Simpson Jermaine Saffold Margin Hooks Drew Malone Coach Poe *Trenches Reloaded *

Highlights from first 4 games. 322 yards and 5 tds so far. hudl.com/v/2Q0iqh Chaparral Puma Football Coach Ramer D’Vonte McKneely SAMIE PARKER Emp1re7v7 OJ Simpson Drew Malone Jermaine Saffold Margin Hooks Coach Poe *Trenches Reloaded *

Sky’s The Limit Top Performers‼️ Week 4 🏈💪🏾 Jeremiah JD Douglas Carson Darby Kaydon Finley Jabarie Thornton Julius Spencer #CoachHooksTrained