stage mom, abx steward, ortho-ID & emerging infx doc, comedy/hip hop obsessive. Assoc Prof @MontefioreID, deputy editor @ASHE_journal, @CID photo quiz co-editor
ID: 1126559221846298624
09-05-2019 18:47:03
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#IDTwitter Priya Nori MD, FSHEA, FIDSA From Colgate University Social and ecological determinants of antimicrobial resistance in Africa: a systematic review of epidemiological evidence OPEN ACCESS ASHE Journal - bit.ly/4eaF4QZ

#IDTwitter Priya Nori MD, FSHEA, FIDSA The negative predictive value is compelling! Open Access ASHE Journal Evaluation of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus nasal swab screening at a large comprehensive cancer center bit.ly/4gxuncP

#IDTwitter Priya Nori MD, FSHEA, FIDSA From the front lines! Real-world effectiveness of fidaxomicin in patients at high risk of Clostridioides difficile recurrence OPEN ACCESS ASHE Journal bit.ly/4ekhQaI

#IDTwitter Priya Nori MD, FSHEA, FIDSA From our Argentine colleagues-OPEN ACCESS ASHE Journal Investigation of an outbreak of metallo-β-lactamase producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa linked to the water distribution system in a Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Unit bit.ly/4dZVI5A

1st ever workshop on Diagnostic Stewardship At #IDWeek2024 in LA The best thinkers in the field will be speaking! Hope to see you there 10/15/2024 from 1-5 pm Register/Attend Dan Diekema Carlos del Rio Valerie Vaughn Paul Sax Dr. Saskia Popescu SHEA

#IDTwitter Priya Nori MD, FSHEA, FIDSA Dan Morgan Elise Martin SHEA OPEN ACCESS in ASHE Journal Contact precautions for MRSA and VRE: where are we now? A survey of the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America Research Network bit.ly/3zp9MXk

Sustainability + Infection Prevention and Control conversations! This is amazing! Priya Nori MD, FSHEA, FIDSA Preeti Jaggi

#IDTwitter Priya Nori MD, FSHEA, FIDSA OPEN ACCESS in ASHE Journal Invasion of superbugs: Cockroach-driven outbreak of multidrug-resistant Enterobacter in an ICU bit.ly/3Y6ml33

#IDTwitter Priya Nori MD, FSHEA, FIDSA OPEN ACCESS in ASHE Journal Perspectives and awareness of environmental sustainability in the infection prevention and control community nationally bit.ly/3ZWqMPt

#IDTwitter What are important C. difficile clinical risk factors? OPEN ACCESS Here ASHE Journal Informing estimates of probability of Clostridioides difficile infection for testing and treatment: expert consensus from a modified-Delphi procedure - bit.ly/3U2805l