Senator Richard Onyonka (@richardonyonka_) 's Twitter Profile
Senator Richard Onyonka


Official Twitter Account for the Senator of Kisii County.…

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calendar_today20-07-2023 11:36:48

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Senator Richard Onyonka (@richardonyonka_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I have received notification of a petition to the Senate; 'The People of Kenya's Declaration of Sovereignty and Call for Action of JKIA on the Adani Deal', co-sponsored by 2 Kenyans; Tony Gachoka and Adv. Ndegwa Njiru. I COMMIT to offer the required legislative SUPPORT.

Senator Richard Onyonka (@richardonyonka_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We will not condone any efforts by state agents to maliciously target and intimidate WHISTLEBLOWERS. The targeted onslaught on Nelson Amenya will be REPULSED by all legal means available.

We will not condone any efforts by state agents to maliciously target and intimidate WHISTLEBLOWERS. The targeted onslaught on <a href="/amenya_nelson/">Nelson Amenya</a> will be REPULSED by all legal means available.
Faith Odhiambo (@faithodhiambo8) 's Twitter Profile Photo

High Court grants LSK and KHRC's request for leave to file a judicial review to challenge the KAA's decision to lease JKIA to Adani for 30 years. The court has meanwhile issued a stay prohibiting any person from implementing or acting on the privately initiated Adani proposal

High Court grants LSK and KHRC's request for leave to file a judicial review to challenge the KAA's decision to lease JKIA to Adani for 30 years. 
The court has meanwhile issued a stay prohibiting any person from implementing or acting on the privately initiated Adani proposal
Senator Richard Onyonka (@richardonyonka_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I served with Hon. Simon Ogari in the 10th and 11th Parliament. He was a polite, kind and selfless man who was simple to a fault. My heart goes to the family, the people of Bomachoge and Kisii County as a whole.

I served with Hon. Simon Ogari in the 10th and 11th Parliament. He was a polite, kind and selfless man who was simple to a fault.

My heart goes to the family, the people of Bomachoge and Kisii County as a whole.
Senator Richard Onyonka (@richardonyonka_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The current situation of a go slow at JKIA was AVOIDABLE, but gov't listens to no one. The issues I raised about Adani in the Senate on 17th July 2024 are yet to be responded to by the CS Roads & Transport. Gov't is still keeping the details about the deal a top SECRET, why?

Senator Richard Onyonka (@richardonyonka_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In 1963, Martin Luther King Jnr led the Selma-to-Montgomery protests which were the biggest demonstrations in history to rally for civil & economic rights. Inevitably, this is where we are! A good leader will always listen to what people are saying. I hope WSR is listening!

Senator Richard Onyonka (@richardonyonka_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Senate Committee on Transport currently meeting with Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Roads & Transport to respond and clarify on a number of issues raised in my Statement in the Senate concerning leasing of Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) to Adani Group.

The Senate Committee on Transport currently meeting with Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Roads &amp; Transport to respond and clarify on a number of issues raised in my Statement in the Senate concerning leasing of Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) to  Adani Group.
Senator Richard Onyonka (@richardonyonka_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The CS Roads and Transport Davis Chirchir tried to play the subjudice card which Senate overruled. The meeting has been adjourned and ordered to submit ALL documents on the JKIA- Adani PIIP by end of close of business today, he will appear again tomorrow (Friday) at 9am.

Senator Richard Onyonka (@richardonyonka_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tell the President, this deal stinks, ABANDON IT! It is FRAUDLENT, and Adani is too SCANDALOUS to be trusted with a critical Strategic National Asset, we cannot compromise our National Security. Kenyans have said NO to this deal. The senates' message to CS Davis Chirchir/Gov't

Tell the President, this deal stinks, ABANDON IT! It is FRAUDLENT, and Adani is too SCANDALOUS to be trusted with a critical Strategic National Asset, we cannot compromise our National Security. Kenyans have said NO to this deal.

The senates' message to CS Davis Chirchir/Gov't
Senator Richard Onyonka (@richardonyonka_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Adani-JKIA Deal WHISTLE-BLOWER should not be intimidated. He is a BRAVE PATRIOT who should be CELEBRATED and FETED instead. He is our HERO of the moment. Leave Nelson Amenya alone!

Senator Richard Onyonka (@richardonyonka_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Corporation America Airports (CAAP) sent a PIIP request in July 2024 with an interest in JKIA ,Mombasa, Kisumu & Eldoret Airports. Appearing before the Senate CS Davis Chirchir denied having knowledge to this, & said it is only Adani who sent such a proposal. #TheSystemIsBroken

Corporation America Airports (CAAP) sent a PIIP request in July 2024 with an interest in JKIA ,Mombasa, Kisumu &amp; Eldoret Airports.

Appearing before the Senate CS Davis Chirchir denied having knowledge to this, &amp; said it is only Adani who sent such a proposal. 
Senator Richard Onyonka (@richardonyonka_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It is emerging that undoubtedly there are many more companies/firms that sent proposals to manage JKIA under PPP. The CS either deliberately lied under oath or decided to have selective amnesia. November 2022, GMR Airports also sent a similar request. #TheSystemIsBroken

It is emerging that undoubtedly there are many more companies/firms that sent proposals to manage JKIA under PPP. The CS either deliberately lied under oath or decided to have selective amnesia.

November 2022, GMR Airports also sent a similar request.
Senator Richard Onyonka (@richardonyonka_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The houses hosting Professors and Senior Management staff of the University of Nairobi have been also identified for grabbing. Later they are going to rent out these houses to the same occupants. Would this be the reason Prof. Kiama was ousted with impunity?

Senator Richard Onyonka (@richardonyonka_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We have just received a RED ALERT from Kenyans who are in MALI. I hope somebody is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nairobi is on standby to airlift those in that country if need be. The safety of Kenyans should be given priority.