Saira Butt
Infectious Diseases MD FACP FIDSA Associate Professor at Indiana University; PD runs @iuidfellowship #IDtwitter she/her @idsamededcop Teaching &Learning
ID: 25115520
18-03-2009 17:45:25
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🆕️🔥 JAMA Internal Medicine Patient Page Sonali Advani MD, MPH, FIDSA Kimberly Claeys What Should I Know About Recurrent UTIs in Older Women? #IDXposts jamanetwork.com/journals/jamai…

🆕️🔥 Open Forum Infectious Diseases by SIDP 🌟s Dr. Kellie Goodlet Erin McCreary Therapeutic Myths in Solid Organ Transplantation Infectious Diseases #idxposts academic.oup.com/ofid/article/d…

ARV resistance is always a tricky topic for new #IDFellows. If you are an incoming fellow or an educator, check out IDSA Medical Education Community of Practice's #TeachersToolkit with fantastic, multimodal teaching resources on ARV resistance. idsame.notion.site/ART-Antiretrov…

Congrats to Chelsea Gorsline MD on being selected as this month’s #featurededucator IDSA Medical Education Community of Practice. SO SO SO well-deserved idsame.notion.site/Chelsea-Gorsli…

#idmeded #meded #idfellows #idfellowship #idxposts #sacralosteomyelitis #OM #BJI Indiana University Infectious Diseases Fellowship

Some highlights from #AIDS2024, days 1 and 2 in the books, featuring practice-changing studies brilliantly presented by Linda-Gail Bekker and Raphael J. Landovitz, among others. Practice Point Communications practicepointcme.com/CMEHome/clinic…

📢📢📢📢📢 Calling all ID educators and learners: Check out the newly published #IDChalkTalks from the IDSA Medical Education Community of Practice following peer review. idsame.notion.site/ID-Chalk-Talks… These are open-access and available for teaching or learning ID content 1/