Eric Horvitz
Chief Scientific Officer, Microsoft, President’s Council of Advisors on Science & Technology, Former President, AAAI.
ID: 264501255
http://erichorvitz.com 12-03-2011 00:54:56
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Awesome inspirational thoughts on AI and the future of science. Had the pleasure of co-authoring a paper with Eric Horvitz looking into some perspectives of how future creative AI systems could interact with humans to synthesize new knowledge. cacm.acm.org/research/a-com…

Forensics confirm authenticity of crowds in Detroit to see Vice President Kamala Harris. The "liar’s dividend" refers to ease with which real events can be called “fake” & the value of securing provenance of media in era of genAI C2PA Partnership on AI White House Office of Science & Technology Policy BBC Brad Smith bbc.com/news/articles/…

Agree Erik Brynjolfsson Creativity and its foundation in composition of ideas came up in a recent conversation with Brian Greene: worldsciencefestival.com/videos/will-ai…

Interesting study from Stanford Medicine reporting finding of jumps in aging at two ages--in the 40 and 60s--based in observation of large biomolecular shifts. Implications unclear, but shows that aging is a nonlinear process.

An advance in AI for pathology: Paige & @msftresearch collaboration. Nicolo Nicolo Fusi gives a top-level summary in thread on algorithmic advances spurred by recognizing special aspects of pathology vision task. Virchow2 & 2G now avail Hugging Face. arxiv.org/abs/2408.00738…

Fun conversation with Brian Greene at the World Science Festival World Science Festival White House Office of Science & Technology Policy #PCAST

One of the most powerful podcasts ever with two of my favorite scientists Brian Greene and Eric Horvitz. Their conversation about the future of AI is so inspiring and thought-provoking. If you're into science and tech, you really need to check this out! Brian Greene Eric Horvitz #AI

Guidance integrated into Phi 3.5. It's been a pleasure to work with Guidance leads on functionality & uses cases. Guidance complements prompting for steering models. Can boost efficiency & accuracy. More here: aka.ms/AAry6ju Harsha Nori Dean Carignan Sebastien Bubeck

Touching video. It’s been an honor to work with Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the administration as a member of White House Office of Science & Technology Policy #PCAST. Much more to do!

Dan Dennett on the concerns of entering a post-epistemic (hard to distinguish fact from fiction) world (Eric Horvitz). Original conversation: x.com/MLStreetTalk

We need to aggressively pursue technologies & policies to counter the risk of entering a post-epistemic world. RIP Daniel Dennett