Matthias Schulze
Passive account, mostly automated reposts. Contact: [email protected]
- Political scientist researching #cyberconflict at @IFSHHamburg & podcast host.
ID: 300812441
https://www.percepticon.de 18-05-2011 12:02:47
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🇩🇪 prosecutors appear to be able to **deanonymize Tor ** by tapping servers, for years (!) and doing "timing analysis". In one case – Ricochet, related to CSAM – they did this four times, ordered telco provider to identify customer connecting to entry node tagesschau.de/investigativ/p…

📢In new research nature Scientific Reports we find that negative news articles are shared more to social media!Negative stories about outgroups are shared even more. Jointly providing perverse incentives for journalists. With the brill David Stillwell & co! nature.com/articles/s4159…