Matthias Schulze (@perceptic0n) 's Twitter Profile
Matthias Schulze


Passive account, mostly automated reposts. Contact: [email protected]
- Political scientist researching #cyberconflict at @IFSHHamburg & podcast host.

ID: 300812441

link calendar_today18-05-2011 12:02:47

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3,3K Following

John McBride (@johncodezzz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I’m a former AWS employee: most of the hot takes on Amazon's new strict return-to-office policy are wrong. Anyone who’s been paying attention saw this coming years ago. And ultimately, it comes down to taxes and economics. Here's their plan: Phase 1: layoff over 30k people.

hakan (@hatr) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🇩🇪 prosecutors appear to be able to **deanonymize Tor ** by tapping servers, for years (!) and doing "timing analysis". In one case – Ricochet, related to CSAM – they did this four times, ordered telco provider to identify customer connecting to entry node…

Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai (@lorenzofb) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A friend in Lebanon just asked me if I think iPhones and Samsung phones could also be turned into bombs. This is the psychological damage this operation has done to regular folks in Lebanon, and probably elsewhere too.

Richard Holmes 🕵🏻‍♂️ (@richard_aholmes) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨NEW: The firm linked to exploding Hezbollah pagers was hacked last year, exposing its supply chain. Gold Apollo was compromised by an cyber criminal operation last year, which stole information about the firm’s activities and who it was trading with.…

@T_Staub (@staub_t) 's Twitter Profile Photo

War gestern am Ukraine-Forum in Bern. Einer der Redner (Chatham House Rule, deshalb ohne Name) wurde aus Charkiw eingeblendet – er erzählte, wie Russland versuchte, während der Offensive die Stadt mit Propaganda zu destabilisieren. Da gab es noch eine ganze Dimension mehr /1

War gestern am Ukraine-Forum in Bern. Einer der Redner (Chatham House Rule, deshalb ohne Name) wurde aus Charkiw eingeblendet – er erzählte, wie Russland versuchte, während der Offensive die Stadt mit Propaganda zu destabilisieren. Da gab es noch eine ganze Dimension mehr
Sander van der Linden (@sander_vdlinden) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📢In new research nature Scientific Reports we find that negative news articles are shared more to social media!Negative stories about outgroups are shared even more. Jointly providing perverse incentives for journalists. With the brill David Stillwell & co!…

📢In new research <a href="/Nature/">nature</a> <a href="/SciReports/">Scientific Reports</a> we find that negative news articles are shared more to social media!Negative stories about outgroups are shared even more. Jointly providing perverse incentives for journalists.

With the brill <a href="/david_stillwell/">David Stillwell</a> &amp; co!…
Thomas Rid (@ridt) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ok wow. It currently looks like Israel *manufactured* thousands of IEDs and sold those to Hezbollah, camouflaged as working comms devices, one looked like a Taiwanese pager, the other like a Japanese walkie-talkie. No supply chain compromise as such, certainly no cyber op as such