Rija Alvi (@rehan_rija) 's Twitter Profile
Rija Alvi


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ID: 1550294838125395968

calendar_today22-07-2022 01:41:39

104 Tweet


235 Following

Coral Olazagasti, MD (@colazagasti) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Are you an IMG or PR medical graduate? We are still seeking participants to fill our #GoingBackHome survey. We seek to understand the physician migration and experiences of IMG and PR graduates in the US Please comment and we will gladly send the survey! Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center

Are you an IMG or PR medical graduate?

We are still seeking participants to fill our #GoingBackHome survey. 

We seek to understand the physician migration and experiences of IMG and PR graduates in the US 

Please comment and we will gladly send the survey! 

<a href="/SylvesterCancer/">Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center</a>
Antibiotic Steward Bassam Ghanem 🅱️C🆔🅿️🌟 (@absteward) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It has been proposed that doxycycline may be protective against CDI 🆕️✨️✨️Large VAH retrospective analysis 17% decreased risk of CDI was identified with doxycycline compared to azithromycin when used with ceftriaxone for treatment of CAP (P = .03) sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

The Innovation | Medicine (@innov_medicine) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Cytokine Storm nejm.org/doi/full/10.10… Clinical Presentation of Cytokine Storm The clinical presentation of cytokine storm, or cytokine release syndrome (CRS), can manifest in various ways. Here are 10 common features observed in cytokine storm: Fever, Systemic Inflammation,

Cytokine Storm
Clinical Presentation of Cytokine Storm
The clinical presentation of cytokine storm, or cytokine release syndrome (CRS), can manifest in various ways. Here are 10 common features observed in cytokine storm: Fever, Systemic Inflammation,
Aga Khan University (@akuglobal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Strengthening Partnerships for the Environment: AKU signs Memoranda of Understanding to collaborate for environmental research aimed at dealing with the impact of climate change. youtube.com/watch?v=SDUMhk…

Sara Dong (@swinndong) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Want to enhance your skills in digital medical education and social media? The ID Digital Institute (IDDI) is taking applications for our next class! More info: febrilepodcast.com/iddi/ App open thru Dec 19th!!: forms.gle/EA5JT3tN5NDq3G… #IDTwitter #IDMedEd Infectious Disease Fellows Network

Want to enhance your skills in digital medical education and social media?  The ID Digital Institute (IDDI) is taking applications for our next class!

More info: febrilepodcast.com/iddi/

App open thru Dec 19th!!: forms.gle/EA5JT3tN5NDq3G…

#IDTwitter #IDMedEd <a href="/ID_fellows/">Infectious Disease Fellows Network</a>
Takahiro Matsuo (Taka), MD (@takamatsuo_id) 's Twitter Profile Photo

【Duration of antifungal treatment in mold infection: when is enough?】Curr Opin Infect Dis. 2023 Dec 👉Figures are useful! (proposed algorithm) journals.lww.com/co-infectiousd… #IDMedEd #IDFellow #TxID

【Duration of antifungal treatment in mold infection: when is enough?】Curr Opin Infect Dis. 2023 Dec

👉Figures are useful! (proposed algorithm)


#IDMedEd #IDFellow #TxID
Sara Dong (@swinndong) 's Twitter Profile Photo

So so excited that this is out! Are you cultivating your peer mentor community garden?! 🌸 Huma Farid Grace Huang Peer Mentorship: Career Support in Full Bloom Academic Medicine Last Page journals.lww.com/academicmedici…

So so excited that this is out!   Are you cultivating your peer mentor community garden?! 🌸 <a href="/HumaFaridMD/">Huma Farid</a> <a href="/GraceHuangMD/">Grace Huang</a> 
Peer Mentorship: Career Support in Full Bloom 
<a href="/AcadMedJournal/">Academic Medicine</a> Last Page

IDFellowsCup (@idfellowscup) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🔥ID Fellows Cup is back for the 2024 season🔥 We're planning our first game May 27 - June 14 More info to come -Until then - any interest in contributing as a writer or mentor to our writers? If so please sign-up! - message if questions forms.gle/uybWwFHDzdTFDF…

Mariana Mazzucato (@mazzucatom) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The tech industry's energy consumption is skyrocketing, but at what cost? In my recent The Guardian piece, I discuss the need to adopt a systematic approach when evaluating tech companies contribution to people and planet. theguardian.com/commentisfree/…

Rija Alvi (@rehan_rija) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Such an excellent episode ! Thoroughly enjoyed it . Hopefully it inspires many others to care more about the environment! 🌏🌱 #IDTwitter

Rija Alvi (@rehan_rija) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Couldn’t have thought of a better way to end my fellowship! Rounding on F6, the infectious diseases floor, as a Junior Attending 😄 Such an amazing experience with a phenomenal team! Learnt much from you guys, hope you did too! Henry Ford Hospital Infectious Diseases Fellowship Henry Ford Hospital Internal Medicine Residency #IDTwitter #IDX

Couldn’t have thought of a better way to end my fellowship! 
Rounding on F6, the infectious diseases floor, as a Junior Attending 😄 Such an amazing experience with a phenomenal team! Learnt much from you guys, hope you did too! <a href="/HFHInfDisFellow/">Henry Ford Hospital Infectious Diseases Fellowship</a> <a href="/HFHIntMedRes/">Henry Ford Hospital Internal Medicine Residency</a> #IDTwitter #IDX