Tim Martin (@twmartin4) 's Twitter Profile
Tim Martin


Husband, Dad, Pappy to three beautiful granddaughters, one grandson, another gift from God on the way. Christ Follower, MLB Scout 27+yrs.

ID: 2211443180

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Tim Martin (@twmartin4) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thanks to Matt Davis, Tom Browning, AL Oliver, Larry Luebber, Chris Curly, Steve Delebar, Marlon Styles, Denny Nagle, Dean Schuler, Vince Devita, Tom Posey, Dylan Shockley for making the St Judeā€™s camp a success !!

Tim Martin (@twmartin4) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Gene Bennett Classic in Portsmouth Ohio is June 20th thru the 23rd. We have a 16U and 18U bracket. Travel teams that are interested please contact Tim by [email protected]. This tournament is in memory of the Legendary scout of 58 yrs with the Cincinnati Reds Gene Bennett.

Tim Martin (@twmartin4) 's Twitter Profile Photo

You can also register by going to Shawnee St Univ website, click on Gene Bennett Classic. Fill out the form online, cost is $875 per team, minimum of 5 games played. Championship games played on 6-23-19.

Tim Martin (@twmartin4) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Still taking teams for the Gene Bennett Classic! There is a 16U and 18U bracket. Register at Shawnee St Univ, click on Gene Bennett Classic. Hope to see you there.

Tim Martin (@twmartin4) 's Twitter Profile Photo

2019 Tim Martin baseball showcase, Sept 21st and 22nd. Held at the VA Memorial Stadium in Chillicothe Ohio. 2020-2023 players, there will be several college coaches along with MLB scouts in attendance. Please go to the website and check it out at timmartinshowcase.com

Tim Martin (@twmartin4) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tim Martin/StJudeā€™s 2nd Annual Baseball Camp. Dec 7th at Hits 55 in Northern Ky. You can now register online at timmartinshowcase.com A few of the special guest that will be in attendance. Former Pittsburgh Pirates All Star AL Oliver, Former MLB RHP Steve Delebar and more.

Tim Martin (@twmartin4) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tim Martin/St Judeā€™s baseball camp! Dec 7th at Hits 55 in Covington Ky. Great day to learn baseball and help out the kids and families at St Judeā€™s. Our goal is 120 kids, please check out the website. timmartinshowcase.com

Tim Martin (@twmartin4) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Great day to be alive!! Opening day for college baseball šŸ˜œ. Check out Florida VS Marshall tonight at 6:30 pm. Cousin Wade Martin for Marshall Univ will be on the hill. Very proud of you!!!

Tim Martin (@twmartin4) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tim Martin HS baseball showcase! Sept 19th at the VA in Chillicothe Ohio. Still have a few spots left. Register at timmartinshowcase.com

Tim Martin (@twmartin4) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I would like to thank my staff, and coaches for a great day of baseball yesterday at the Tim Martin baseball showcase. Thank you to the players that took time to show your baseball ability. A special thanks to the parents for all of your support for these young men! God Bless

Tim Martin (@twmartin4) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tim Martin/St Judeā€™s 2nd annual baseball camp. Nov 28th at Champions in Cincinnati Ohio. All proceeds go to St Judeā€™s. Ages 7-12 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Ages 13-18 1:00 to 4:00 pm. timmartinshowcase.com Get great instruction and help the St Judeā€™s family!!

Tim Martin (@twmartin4) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I played for coach Hunt in 1985 with the Watertown Pirates. I learned the meaning of loyalty to your players and how to treat people, all people with respect! Thank you for our conversations on the phone. THE BEST

Tim Martin (@twmartin4) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tim Martin pitchers/catchers showcase in Williamstown WV Dec 11th. Ages 2022-2025 College coaches will be in attendance. Register today, only a few spots left. timmartinshowcase.com

Tim Martin (@twmartin4) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I want to thank the Williamstown HS baseball coaching staff for making the Tim Martin pitchers and catchers showcase yesterday a success! Thank all you parents for bringing these young men from all over. Thanks for a great turnout on college coaches!!

Tim Martin (@twmartin4) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tim Martin/St Judeā€™s baseball camp, Jan 9th at the new indoor facility at Piketon HS, Piketon Ohio. You can register now! Special Guests- AL Oliver, Johnnie Lemaster, Willie Blair, Scott Williamson, Larry Luebbers, John Schreiber, Dylan Shockley, bit.ly/3rvMhpc

Tim Martin (@twmartin4) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I want to thank Piketon HS, Coach Teeters, AL Oliver, Johnnie Lemaster, John Schreiber, Madison Jeffreyā€™s, Marlon Styles, Dylan Shockley, Tom Posey, Dan Cassidy, Brian Martin for an outstanding St Judeā€™s Baseball Camp today. Appreciate all of you!!

I want to thank Piketon HS, Coach Teeters, AL Oliver, Johnnie Lemaster, John Schreiber, Madison Jeffreyā€™s, Marlon Styles, Dylan Shockley, Tom Posey, Dan Cassidy, Brian Martin for an outstanding St Judeā€™s Baseball Camp today. Appreciate all of you!!
Tim Martin (@twmartin4) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I would like to thank all the colleges coaches and scouts for attending the showcase yesterday!! Also to my staff that is second to none. To the parents for taking your time some from 12 hours away to make the trip. The talent level yesterday was awesome. Special day!!

Tim Martin (@twmartin4) 's Twitter Profile Photo

2022 pitchers/catchers showcase, Dec 10th Williamstown WV. Ages 2025-2026 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Ages 2023-2024 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Register at martinbaseballshowcase.com

Tim Martin (@twmartin4) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I want to thank my staff, players, parents/grandparents for taking the time to attend the showcase yesterday! I want to thank all the colleges and scouts that was also in attendance. Yesterday, was a great baseball day, very good talent, kids played with a lot of passion!!