Christina Vojtek (She/Her/Hers)
Transplant ID fellow @VUMC_IDFellows via @UCincyIM. MedEd apprentice, wellness enthusiast, yinzer. Views are my own/not medical advice
ID: 1202354009216110592
04-12-2019 22:28:38
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Our Transplant ID fellow, Dr. Sara Haddad, presented her research at #ATC2024Philly VUMC Infectious Diseases

What an awesome group! 😁 #ATC2024philly VUMC Infectious Diseases

Had way too much fun this #ATC2024Philly with old and new friends from all over! Proud to be part of the Infectious Diseases Community of Practice - AST EC which put out incredible sessions in #TxID. Great to catch up with so many people. Till next year!

New!!! 🎙️The Curbsiders Teach Podcast 👩🏫 #42 Learner Autonomy 📓 With Ben Kinnear, MD MEd Join us as we discuss all things learner autonomy with returning guest Dr Ben Kinnear. We cover the value of supporting learner autonomy, and more! #meded

It is the final day of questions! Players have until June 18, to finish up & claim their spot on the leaderboard! We couldn't have done this without our writers! Please thank them for us! Tony Dang Nishant Patel Dr. Subhashree Samantaray Tom Schmidt, MD, MHS 🦠🩺 Jonathan Ryder, MD Nathan Nolan, MD MPH

🎇Welcome new #IDFellows! 🎉 Is this your first exposure to a #TxID TxID Early Career Network immunocompromised ID service? Never fear!☑️out our "CORE CURRICULUM" at transplantid.net Lots of American Society of Transplantation (AST) ASTCT IDSA IDSA Medical Education Community of Practice The ISHLT The EBMT guidelines as well!

As we get ready to welcome our new fellows this week, we wanted to extend one last congratulations to our graduating fellows! We are so excited for your next chapter! 😁🎉VUMC Infectious Diseases

Great opportunity for advanced training in transplant ID at one of the top transplant centers in the country! Check us out! VUMC Infectious Diseases

#idmeded #idxposts IDSA Medical Education Community of Practice #TLR group #IdmededDigest VI is here! idsame.notion.site/IDMedEd-Digest…

So excited to get started! 😁 Infectious Diseases Community of Practice - AST

Check out this fantastic resource for teaching on the wards 👇👇👇 Special shout-out to Christina Vojtek (She/Her/Hers) and Courtney Harris, MD, FACP for contributing THREE talks 👏👏👏 #MedTwitter VUMC Infectious Diseases idsame.notion.site/ID-Chalk-Talks…